Link to Your Resident

by Andrea West

Posted on 2017-06-02 10:46:58

This tutorial will go through the steps to help you link to your residents. Before your residents can make rent payments to you through Smart Housing, they must be linked to you first.



Step 1 - Find the resident you want to link to by typing their name in the People Search box on the Dashboard.

autoin step 1.PNG


Step 2 - Once you are on your resident's profile page, click on the large grey 'Link Resident' button.

link step 2.PNG


Step 3 - You will see two options to link to your resident pull up.

link step 3.PNG


Step 4 - One option is to send an email. Click on the green (or blue) 'Send Email' button.

link step 4.PNG


a - Type in the resident's email address and select 'Save Changes.'

link step 4a.PNG


An email has been sent to your resident. This email allows them to signup with Smart Housing and they will automatically be linked to you.


Step 5 - The second option is to print a letter to give to your resident. Click on the green (or blue) 'Print Letter' button.

link step 5.PNG


a - A new tab will pull up with the letter to link. It lists the steps that your resident needs to go through in order to sign up with Smart Housing and link to you. Print this letter.

  link step 5a.PNG


You will know when you are linked to your resident when the box at the top of the profile page that says 'Not Linked' turns green (or blue) and says 'Linked.'

              link step 5aaa.PNG

link step 5aa.PNG


You are now linked with your resident.