Managing Invoices and Payments

by Andrea West

Posted on 2017-06-02 10:46:53

This tutorial goes over how to create and manage invoices and payments. This is useful for one-time fees or extenuating circumstances outside your general rent payments.



Step 1 - On the Dashboard page, find your resident using the People Search box.

autoin step 1.PNG


Step 2 - Once you are on your resident's profile page, find the box titled Payment/Charges History.

oneinvoice step 2.PNG


Step 3 - To add an invoice, click on the green (or blue) 'Add Charges' button.

oneinvoice step 3.PNG


a - Put in the invoice information. Then select 'Save Changes.'

oneinvoice step 3a.PNG


In the Payment/Charges History box you will now see the invoice listed.

oneinvoice step 3aa.PNG


Step 4 - To add a payment, click on the green (or blue) 'Record Payment' button.

oneinvoice step 4.PNG


a - Fill in the payment information. Then select 'Save Changes.'

oneinvoice step 4a.PNG


In the Payment/Charges History box you will now see the payment listed.

oneinvoice step 4aa.PNG


Now you know how to manage your payments and invoices.