Viewing an Applicants Application

by Kyra Rollins

Posted on 2018-09-20 16:09:37

Step 1 - Sign into your account,post a balance 3.png


on the left side of the page click on Applicants & Screening.viewing an applicants application.png


Step 2 - Check that the applicants name is listed under the Residents' list.viewing an applicants application 6.png


Step 3 - Click on the applicant's name and the applicant's profile will show up like this.viewing an applicants application 2.PNG


3a. then click the " application" bubble,viewing an applicants application 2.png and this page will populates viewing applicants application 3.PNG


3b. from there you will now be able to see your applicants' application status. viewing applicants application 5.png